September 17, 2016, commemorates the 229th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. College of Marin will celebrate Constitution Day along with Club Fest activities on Tuesday, September 20, in the Learning Resources Center Quad.
Delegates to the Constitutional Convention gathered over the summer of 1787 to discuss, debate, and deliberate what should be included in our nation’s most important document. George Washington transmitted the proposed constitution to the Congress, which had been assembled under the Articles of Confederation. Congress, by unanimous resolution, then passed by the proposal on to conventions of delegates to be chosen in each state. The state conventions examined the proposal and thoroughly discussed content prior to ratification.
The document defines the federal government’s structure, outlines the rights of states and citizens, and serves as a symbol of U.S. political principles and the democratic process. For 229 years the Constitution is still in operation and has been used as a model by nations established after its signing.
Stop by the Quad on Tuesday and learn more about the document that formed the foundation of our great nation.
Constitution Day and Club Fest Activities
Tuesday, September 20
Learning Resources Center Quad
Kentfield Campus