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Cover of journal: Communication Education

Work Co-authored by Professor Patricia O'Keefe Published in Communication Education Journal

Five-year task force identifies core communication competencies in lower division, GE courses in the field of communication
Umoja logo with text that reads Orientation and Black History Month Film Event

Umoja Orientation and ASCOM Black History Month Film Event

Umoja and ASCOM invite you to a free event February 23 from 2:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. in AC 255
Picture of Mt. Tam

Student Accessibility Services Open House

Faculty and staff are invited to learn how to support students with disabilities - Feb. 28
Rustic flag with text reading: Engaging and Supporting Student Veterans

Student Success Speaker Series: Veterans and the Classroom

Learn how to be a supportive ally to student veterans - February 22
Muslim Student Association logo

Muslim Student Association Hosts "We're Just Like You: The Truth Behind Islam"

Learn about the misconceptions towards Islam and ask questions in a welcoming environment - February 16
SFSU logo

SFSU Representative on Campus - March 6

Reserve your spot at the Next Steps Workshop today!
Tabletop showing student's hands typing on a laptop with book and cup of tea

Online Writing Center is Open for Business!

Free help with writing assignments!
Jim Stopher head shot

Jim Stopher Piano Recital - Musical Odd Couples

A benefit concert for College of Marin Symphony Orchestra - March 5
Person in dog costume and person in Charlie Brown costume leaning on red dog house

Drama Department Presents the Musical - You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown

A charming musical that's fun for the whole family - March 3 through 19
